23 life lessons I’ve learned by age 32 years

Sri Ratna Wulan
4 min readApr 7, 2021

I can’t believe it’s already 32 years!

Naty’s The Diary Of A Forest Girl

I was supposed to write this exactly when I had my birthday, but I got dengue fever, so, it cannot be helped, I have postponed it until now. Check these out, my lessons I’ve learned so far.

  1. Learn how to invest as young as possible. I wish I could learn about it when I just graduated. I would thank myself a lot today. Buy land, invest in mutual funds, stocks, or just buy the gold bar.
  2. Think about buying a house and car when you choose your job. I naively thought that those kinds of things would be provided by my future husband, in assumption, that he will be miraculously richer and thoughtful more than myself. In reality, I was really wrong. We grow up economically together. If I was saving much and choose the bigger company, I may have those two things earlier. It’s not like I am being materialistic, it’s only that we need it when we have a family. I can’t go anywhere without a car right now when I have a baby.
  3. Confess your feeling as soon as possible, even if you are a woman. Falling in love is a beautiful thing, but dragging the feeling for too long is stupid and wastes your time. Tell him about your feeling and if he rejects you, just move on. Rejection is not a bad thing, regretful is the bad one because someday, once in a while, you will wonder, if I showed my feeling at that time, what would it be? Just confess, girl.
  4. Your twenty is the time to discover yourself. Choose a lot of jobs and try a lot of things before you get married because it will be harder if you got married, you won’t have the time for that. Despite being poor in my twenty because I have tried many jobs, I don’t feel regret at all. I feel richer with all my experiences.
  5. Learn instrument. Research said 80% adult wants to learn an instrument but only 20% kids learn the instrument. I think the research is correct. I also want to learn how to play piano and the missing feeling is still right here.
  6. Marry when you are ready. Without the pressure of other people. Not just because the others have married. I have seen at least 3 friends of mine who got married too young, they have divorced and remarriage other men 3rd times before their thirties. You should understand that marriage means you have a new life, a life when yourself is not the first priority anymore. You should educate yourself more, discover yourself, get a good job first before you get married.
  7. Don’t think too much about what other people think, they really really don’t care about you. Think about it this way: how much you spend your time thinking about the physical of your cousin or your friends? You don’t really care about their new acnes or their weights. That’s what other people think of you too. They just stare and make some comments, after that, they will forget about you.
  8. Find a friend located near you. You don’t need to have a lot of friends, one is enough as long as you feel comfortable enough to talk about your feeling. The friend must live in the same city as you so you can hang out often with them. If you get one, treasure it, like, a lot. You will definitely get one harder the more you are older.
  9. Your phone is your peaceful enemy. I have tried to quit social media, YouTube, and finally stop the email notification to feel restful. I restored a lot of hobbies by less touching the phone.
  10. Love yourself especially when you feel you don’t deserve it. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
  11. Worry less. If I could tell my younger self about this, I would tell her over and over. Most of the things that make you worry won’t happen.
  12. Live for yourself, not for pleasing your parent. Your happiness is your own responsibility. Choose big decisions by yourself so you don’t blame it to anyone if it goes wrong.
  13. Travel a lot. Go anywhere. With or without a plan. You will learn something.
  14. The keys of happiness are two: being grateful at little things and give something to others. So, practice it every day.
  15. Actually, the most important things to me is the health of my family members. I don’t think I need to go faraway for job or education, I only need them in my life.
  16. You can start over again your life anytime.
  17. Don’t rely to others too much. Be independent. Don’t have any expectation to even your mom. Love your precious one unconditionally.
  18. We are all different flowers from the same garden. We don’t need to be beauty like others. Just uninstall your Instagram if you feel like that. We are beautiful because we are different.
  19. The greatest gift you can give someone is your TIME because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.
  20. We mature with damage, not years. If I could go to the past, I am not sure if I really want to unexperienced those pains. I won’t be my current self without those damages.
  21. To recover yourself from the pain of broken heart is to accept the truth. The longer you accept it, the longer the recovery.
  22. People come and go, but the best will stay. I needed a lot of time to realize this in the past.
  23. Life is like a roller coaster: there are a lot of ups and downs, but in the end, it was a good ride.

